Get Hounslow Writing is a long-term Writing for Pleasure primary project aimed at KS1 and KS2 teachers. It has been developed to meet the writing needs of schools across the borough and delivered in partnership with senior lecturers from St Mary’s University.
The project
This three-year project is aimed at growing a team of expert, engaged teachers to develop the ‘will’ to be a writer.
Five sessions of focus
- Teacher-writer identity and the impact this has on children as writers; free writing as a tool for generating personal stories, identities and cultural histories
- The power of therapeutic writing
- Finding your voice and communities of writers
- The recursive writing process and the craft of writing
- Feedback within the craft of writing and the reader-writer relationship; verbal feedback and conferencing
Programme design
- To consider the value of writing to support teacher wellbeing.
- To shift in position of being a teacher of writing, to a writing teacher.
- To develop confidence in sharing writing and providing feedback to peers.
- To understand how to develop a classroom community of writers.
- To develop knowledge an understanding of the writing process, the craft of writing and how to integrate these into planning.
- To explore and value cultural writing experiences.
A golden nugget to take into school will be given alongside scholarly literature and Padlet tasks.
If you have any questions, please contact project leader – Nikola Standing –