A big thanks to HEP
Published: Friday, March 6th, 2020 at 2:19 PM
As a volunteer STEM Ambassador with a career in business not education, HEP has been a marvellous route to connect me with schools who want the kind of STEM support I can offer. Most of my previous engagements came through recommendations from parents, or through World Space Week, which takes me all over London and the UK, but I was very keen to be able to connect with schools in my local borough. Approaching schools directly was not cutting through, as of course I was an unknown quantity to them. But HEP gave me 15mins to showcase what I do to the HEP group in person, and the enthusiastic and immediate response was overwhelming. With an easy sign up via the subsequent HEP newsletter, I received the list of interested schools and in no time at all got 24 events set up in 18 schools, booked through to next Spring Term. I hope it has also helped HEP schools become aware of what the STEM Ambassadors programme can offer them, as there are many more like me out there, who want to support teachers in inspiring our next generation in STEM. HEP seems to be a marvellous way to connect available resources with schools’ needs, and I wish more boroughs would do the same.