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Deep Dive and the Senior Leader – Session 3

Wed 24 Nov 2021 | 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

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This is the third and final session for senior leaders in primary schools from whom a number of their subject leaders attended one or more of the nine Spring Term Deep Dive courses.


The aim of this course is to enable senior leaders to better support subject leaders (core and foundation) in their school. Given the changes that occur naturally in primary schools at subject leader level, our intention is that this course will enable subject leaders to deliver their own version or variation of this course based on the materials that HEP has commissioned. In effect, it is akin to a ‘training the trainers’ course in addition to delivering this course within your own school, where there may also be the possibility of delivering this course to teachers within other schools in Hounslow.

Session 3 – Writing a subject self-evaluation report that correlates with the requirements of the Quality of Education (QoE) judgment in the Ofsted handbook.

For full course details click here.


24th November 2021
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
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