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SLT overview

Mon 11 Jan 2021 | 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm

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This session has been designed to support senior leaders with a whole school responsibility for the curriculum. The session will focus on exploring the various ten subject leader resource files provided by HEP to subject leaders during the autumn term and how they provide support to subject leaders through:

  • Key resources and professional associations to support a subject leader
  • How well subject leaders (and teachers/assistants) understand the key aims and principles of the national curriculum subjects
  • What ‘good and better’ teaching & learning look like in all national curriculum subjects
  • Ensuring accurate assessments are made of pupils learning across all subjects – exploring exemplar models of progression
  • The role of the subject leader in a ‘deep-dive’ inspection/what questions they will be asked/how to write a rigorous and robust subject self-evaluation report.


11th January 2021
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
Event Category:

