In Partnership with Woodbridge Park
Published: Monday, November 29th, 2021 at 9:43 AM

Sharing resources to support children with challenging behaviour
As we begin to develop our SEND page on the HEP website, we are pleased to share a wealth of resources from Woodbridge Park Education Service to support schools - WPES Resource Share
Woodbridge Park recommends that schools adopt and use their Pupil Passport Toolkit when concerns arise with persistent disruptive behaviour. This enables a deep look into triggers and causes of unwanted behaviours and sets up a robust process for target setting and review. Adopting this early on is also very helpful should a child later be referred into Woodbridge Park for a PEX or for early intervention.
WPES also recommends staff debriefs following significant incidents which enable reflection on what staff can do differently next time to change the outcome.
These, and other, resources can be accessed through the HEP website, by following these links:
- Support Package for Schools
- Understanding Myself & the Consequences of My Actions
- Understanding My Behaviour
- Personal Learning Development Passport
- McSherry Scale for School Referrals
- Leading Staff to Reflect on Challenging Behaviour
- Dealing with a Challenging Situation
- Circles of Understanding
- Back-on-Track Programme
- Back-on-Track Programme Staff Guide
- Back-on-Track Lesson PowerPoint